Believed by many to be the burial cloth of Jesus, the Shroud of Turin has long been one of the most controversial and studied relics in human history. Recent developments in dating of the Shroud and AI created images of Jesus have reignited these discussions. New evidence reassesses the Shroud's age In one study published in Ju…
Read more »The best news I've read lately is about how, with the help of artificial intelligence, a team of engineers and papyrologists managed to decipher some of the hidden text from ancient scrolls, nearly 2,000 years old, which were buried under layers of volcanic ash from the eruption of Italy's Mount Vesuvius, that also buried th…
Read more »I was in awe when I found out about Koko , the gorilla who learned to talk using sign language. Penny Patterson was already talking with Koko for 45 years when I found out about her initiative. But we're living in faster communication times now. So it took me just a couple of months (since her Instagram was up at least) to fin…
Read more »O idee simpla dar geniala: sa inveti un pui de gorila limbajul semnelor oamenilor, pentru a vedea daca poate invata sa comunice si mai ales ce va putea exprima. Se intampla acum 45 de ani in America, cand Penny Patterson, o studenta ce isi pregatea lucrarea de doctorat, a inceput sa invete o mica gorila limbajul semnelor, asa cu…
Read more »Ce-are de-a face curentul acesta, dadaismul, cu Romania? Sau mai bine, inainte de asta, o alta intrebare: ce e dadaismul? Dada(ismul) e un curent artistic anarhic, de revolta impotriva ordinii, a traditionalismului, de punere sub semnul intrebarii a tuturor ideilor, a conventionalului. O arta anti-arta. Miscarea s-a nascut a…
Read more »Continui aici seria ideilor din cartea lui Karim Rashid - Design Your Self, despre ce ar trebui facut si la ce varsta. CICUL VIETII (2) 25 ANI Incepeti sa luati vitamine zilnice. 30 ANI Donati organizatiilor de caritate sau pentru cauze sociale. Creierul contine aproximativ 100 de miliarde de neuroni, care incep sa moara l…
Read more »In the depths of the internet, on an old forgotten reddit page about cool websites that no one knows about, I discovered a game that changed the way I will ever interact with people. Sounds like a big promise but just like every basic thing that once discovered starts to make sense forever, the little pieces of wisdom that the game …
Read more »I have read something interesting that said "there are no stressful situations, only stressful ways of perceiving situations". Kind of left me perplexed a little when I read it, but I thought about it and they're right. I see it in different situation with other people. They get really nervous let's say if they don…
Read more »O mica selectie de clipuri TED care mi-au placut mult. Nu stiu sa zic in ce categorie ar intra dar toate sunt bune pentru inteligenta emotionala, sau cu alte cuvinte, fac bine la suflet. Isolation is the dream-killer, not your attitude 3 ways to build a happy marriage and avoid divorce The Real Risk of Forgiven…
Read more »When your loved one dies in a hospital they give you two hours to let the system know if you're "happy" with the treatment he received. And if you're not, that means an autopsy will have to be made. So if you want to complain about hospital germs you have to accept some things which are very hard to even think abou…
Read more »These days I felt less kind if not damn mad. I really was not nice to a couple of people and even though they might have deserved it, the feeling I had after wasn't nice for me either. I think that's because it's in our nature to be in harmony, and conflict ruins that for us. The world is what it is; unjust, faulty, &qu…
Read more »Manfred Spitzer is a german neuroscientist and psychiatrist who's written a book on digital dementia, called just like that. I've just watched some 3 hours clips of him explaining the main book ideas, and in conclusion, our brains are not computers, they don't crash, but they do downgrade. 80% less brain matter in a fun…
Read more »Did you know doctors study sleep just for 2 hours in med school? Just 2 hours for something that takes up one third of our life. Quite disturbing.. So if you want to know more than they probably do about sleep, go ahead and watch this clip, it's definitely one worth seeing or listening to while you go around your other online ac…
Read more »Even if as an introvert I enjoy solitude, I too know that sometimes loneliness can start feeling a bit painful. That's why I'm putting together this guide for us all, though written with a focus on extroverts in particular, as I can imagine they are going through rough times because of the new reality the Coronavirus quaran…
Read more »As the story goes, somewhere in the mountains, a man was walking alongside a road, when another man riding a horse, galloping quickly, left him in a cloud of dust. The man yells at the rider: "Where are you going?" as he appeared to be going somewhere important, but the man on the horse yells back, "I don't know…
Read more »Due to some health issues I am currently bed resting a lot, so I have decided to take full advantage of the situation to learn something new: software engineering. I've started with taking Harvard's online course "Introduction to Computer Science" and one hour in I am already having some pretty interesting ideas…
Read more »Zilele acestea am dat din intamplare peste unul din cele mai interesante board-uri de pe Pinterest. Ok, ok, poate nu pentru toata lumea, dar pentru cei care nu au timp sa citeasca cate carti si-ar dori, sau care sunt distrati de mici detalii legate de scriitori si de operele lor, cu siguranta. Este vorba de board-ul Literatur…
Read more »Suntem 5 generatii acum pe pamant, si e incredibil cum evenimentele pe care le-am trait si lumea pe care am cunoscut-o de la nastere ne fac extrem de diferiti intre noi ca generatii, si asemanatori intre noi, ca membrii ai unei generatii. Am aflat din clipul de mai sus ca in 2011 mai erau doar 4 milioane de oameni ramasi din …
Read more »Atlas Obscura e un site minunat pentru cei carora le place sa descopere locuri interesate de care probabil nici nu mai auzisera si poate nici nu isi inchipuiau ca exista. Pentru a incepe descoperirea de locuri si povesti interesante intrati pe site si apasati pe linkul din meniu: "Random place" (pentru a fi surprins…
Read more »Oh, dar cate lucruri gresite nu am facut si cate cuvinte nepotrivite nu am spus! Odata m-a apucat sinceritatea la o nunta si i-am spus miresei ca nu imi place muzica (de parca ar fi putut aduce o alta formatie, saraca). Nu ma placea prea mult nici inainte, venisem de fapt ca "partenera" pentru sora mea, cred ca apoi nici…
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