Continui aici seria ideilor din cartea lui Karim Rashid - Design Your Self, despre ce ar trebui facut si la ce varsta. CICUL VIETII (2) 25 ANI Incepeti sa luati vitamine zilnice. 30 ANI Donati organizatiilor de caritate sau pentru cauze sociale. Creierul contine aproximativ 100 de miliarde de neuroni, care incep sa moara l…
Read more »In primul rand salutari generatiei mele care a inteles la ce face referire titlul :)) A venit timpul sa trec in revista ce s-a mai intamplat nou, si am sa incep cu schimbarile de nume care s-au intamplat in ultimele luni. Pe unele le-am mai impartasit pe Facebook, dar una e in exclusivitate anuntata doar pe blog: -mi-am schimbat num…
Read more »For me it was a strange concept that your unconscious mind is not always looking out for your best interest. I've always trusted my instinct, I took pride in having a great instinct. ..Boy am I now wondering how many good things I have missed out on! Cause what I've learned this year is that if something doesn't feel rig…
Read more »I always knew life was gonna get better after 35. Someone told this secret a long long time ago, and I chose to believe it. I'm very proud I figured out how love works almost 12 years ago and that I've worked on myself and my relationships every day. That I've been able to see the beauty of life and that inside people…
Read more »De ziua mea, pe 11 aprilie 2017, am implinit 31 de ani de viata dar si 10 de cand scriu pe acest blog, care initial, cand ma asteptam sa fie doar un hobby trecator, a inceput cu adresa: De la 21 am ajuns insa la 31 si asa, prin blog, am reusit sa documentez o treime de viata, un lucru important pentru mine fiind…
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