The title of this movie intrigued me since I first heard of it. How can you love a bomb? But after much Byron Katie work and amounts on reading on how to accept what is, I find the exercise of loving the bomb to be quite effective. Because we all have to accept the negative parts of life if we are to endure it. And one could even …
Read more »There are so many expressions in each language that refer to the fact that people cannot change: "A leopard can't change its spots." "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." "Once a cheater, always a cheater." "People don't change, they just reveal who they really are." I don't…
Read more »10 things that I am grateful for on this happy birthday: - my husband and our amazing relationship - my friends and the connection we have - my great job and colleagues - being pain free and having great chances of staying this way - being in the ARC and having my own Body Movement Hour - my health and that of my family and friends …
Read more »In primul rand salutari generatiei mele care a inteles la ce face referire titlul :)) A venit timpul sa trec in revista ce s-a mai intamplat nou, si am sa incep cu schimbarile de nume care s-au intamplat in ultimele luni. Pe unele le-am mai impartasit pe Facebook, dar una e in exclusivitate anuntata doar pe blog: -mi-am schimbat num…
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