Anul acesta am participat la doua cursuri despre acordarea primului ajutor si cum cred ca sunt printre cele mai utile informatii posibil, si inca le am proaspat in minte, incerc sa le ordonez cat mai clar si aici, cu mentiunea ca explic actiunile asa cum le-am inteles eu, dar cel mai sigur ar fi sa vedeti site-urile oficiale de curs…
Read more »Believed by many to be the burial cloth of Jesus, the Shroud of Turin has long been one of the most controversial and studied relics in human history. Recent developments in dating of the Shroud and AI created images of Jesus have reignited these discussions. New evidence reassesses the Shroud's age In one study published in Ju…
Read more »The best news I've read lately is about how, with the help of artificial intelligence, a team of engineers and papyrologists managed to decipher some of the hidden text from ancient scrolls, nearly 2,000 years old, which were buried under layers of volcanic ash from the eruption of Italy's Mount Vesuvius, that also buried th…
Read more »I was in awe when I found out about Koko , the gorilla who learned to talk using sign language. Penny Patterson was already talking with Koko for 45 years when I found out about her initiative. But we're living in faster communication times now. So it took me just a couple of months (since her Instagram was up at least) to fin…
Read more »O idee simpla dar geniala: sa inveti un pui de gorila limbajul semnelor oamenilor, pentru a vedea daca poate invata sa comunice si mai ales ce va putea exprima. Se intampla acum 45 de ani in America, cand Penny Patterson, o studenta ce isi pregatea lucrarea de doctorat, a inceput sa invete o mica gorila limbajul semnelor, asa cu…
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