Amintiri din doua calatorii Prima calatorie a fost, cum ar zice Calistrat Hogas, pe picioare straine. Fiindca nici eu, si nici Andrei care a planificat excursia, nu stiam cat as putea merge pe ale mele. Din Busteni ne-am urcat comod in masina unui sofer care ne lasa pe noi si pe ceilalti turisti, toti mai in varsta decat noi, dar d…
Read more »So I haven't yet told you how the Halloween trip to Bulgaria went, and we're already more than one week in November. But iiiiit's finally heeeere, the weekend when I don't have that much to do and actually have the time to post something on the blog again, so let's do it, let's catch up. By the way, if you…
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