I never did care much for movies. What I've been loving since childhood are books, while the biggest fun on television was for a long time - weird thing - nationals team big football game. Until I started getting the thrill of cinema and bought my own PC the unusual feeling of finding your soul vibrating when watching a movie only happened to me once. It was late in the night when a local TV network played a very nice movie.. one who's end I didn't get to know because of falling asleep in the middle of it.
I knew while I was falling asleep I would regret not seeing it all. And I thought of waking up early in the morning to see it replayed, contacting the network and asking for the movies name and when I could see it again.. but I got so caught in my thoughts that it put me out right away. Fast forward 3-4 years and when I am asked what's my favorite movie I can't think of another one then this nameless unfinished one. Google and the appearance of Jennifer Aniston in it came in handy and I discovered it's name is "Dream for an Insomniac".
You'd think from here things would get easy but as I search the internet I find movies from '96, romantic, no all big names being quite rare. I really wanted to see it again so I tell people about it, they search they're goody sources, DC's, torrents.. still nothing. So as time passes I carry the regret of not seeing this movie again, not finding out it's ending, so I keep searching for it.. mentioning it.. until one day, until today..
Astazi mi s-a facut o mare mare surpriza, genul care iti face cea mai buna zi. Cineva a fost extraordinar de dragut si dupa ce a aflat de film l-a cautat, l-a gasit numai el stie unde si mi l-a trimis. Un fel de pay it forward pe care nu pot decat sa-l apreciez si sa ma mobilizez pentru a-l da in continuare mai departe. L-am vazut deja o data, sunt in pragul de-al vedea a doua oara si inca nu-mi vine sa cred ca am filmul. Asa ca multumesc frumos Mihai, mi-ai indeplinit un vis foarte important pentru mine :)
Inchei cu citatul meu preferat din film: "Anything less than mad, passionate, extraordinary love is a waste of your time."
Nu va asteptati insa la cine stie ce, i-a placut doar foarte tare unei fete de 13 ani care a asteptat inca 10 ca sa-l revada.
Am plecat la mare, sa ne-auzim cu bine
4 Comentarii
Mi-a mai placut si urmatorul citat : "There are too many mediocre things in life to deal with and love shouldn't be one of them" ... Cata dreptate! Dar din pacate, uneori nu ne dam seama ca traim in mediocritate, asta probabil ca nu stim ca se poate si mai bine :)
@medy: si eu ma bucur ca ti-a placut. de citat nu mai zic.. desi daca as inlocui mediocre cu difficult tot corect mi s-ar parea.
- Kris