When I was little, a very dear aunt of mine told me about an event that moved her. As she and her husband had some serious health problems that didn't allow for them to work anymore, they were not doing too well with money in general. And on one particular day when things were getting pretty bad, as they were at their last and very little savings, the doorbell rang.
It was a very poor woman looking for money or something to eat. My aunt knew they were going through a very hard time themselves, and that soon they will not have anything left to eat, but also felt really bad for the woman. So she looked into her almost empty fridge and searched her very thin wallet, and gave the poor woman some of the food and money they had left.
What happened next my aunt felt was a religious experience, and I remember to this day how much she was moved, even though she's told me this more than 20 years ago. Because not much time passed after the poor woman left and someone else came to their door, this time a person unexpectedly bringing my aunt and uncle so much food and money she felt they were saved.
I remembered this as something similar happened to me today. As I guess it happens to many of us, in the last days before getting my salary I run out of money. But my friends were asking for donations for some really touching causes, so I started donating.
When I checked my mail I saw that right in between the times when I was giving some of my last money, someone was sending me money as well... I teared up and thought of my aunt. She was right, good things do happen to good people.
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