Descoperă. Inovează?! Comunică! - Blogul Andreei e serios, organizat, are o politica privind articolele, comentariile si reclama, are un link list plin de bloguri ale colegilor ei de facultate (nu am verificat cu ea dar cred ca la unul din cursurile de comunicare au primit tema de a-si deschide un blog).. Andreea canta frumos, patineaza foarte bine, stie sa scrie proza si am senzatia ca are foarte multi prieteni.
Goja's Blog - Cand are timp lui Dragos ii place sa se plimbe prin tara si sa faca poze, ca si mie. Cel mai mult imi place cand pune poze cu suricate chilling, povesteste despre ce haiosenii facea cand era mic si cand ii scapa cate ceva despre dragoste.
"We'll meet somewhere, somehow. Maybe through somebody we both know or maybe by chance. We'll talk a bit, we'll laugh a lot. Then we'll go out a few times. You'll fall for me. Although you don't know it at first, in time you'll feel it. The chance is I'll fell for you too. And if that happens I will love you, in my very own way. And you'll feel loved. As loved as you never knew or dreamed that could be.
And then it will all start to happen. You'll start to question that love. Maybe it's too good to be true. You'll try to find reasons, you'll try to find a way to prove yourself that this can't be. And when everything else will fail you'll do the only thing left. You will hurt me. Just to test that love out. And hurt me so bad you will.
And if I'm lucky enough I'll let my self get hurt so bad that my heart will stop for a split second. And in that split second I'll feel more alive, more powerfull, more willing to do anything than in my entire life. Cause you see, I find it a great way to go down that lane, giving it all for the person that stands next to me, waiting for that split second, waiting for that amazing ammount of sadness and sorrow, waiting to be hurt again, and again and again."
Cand o sa fac eu filmul meu prin care o sa cuceresc lumea o sa cumpar drept de copyright pe textul de mai sus ca sa il pot folosi in scenariu.
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